Footpaths: Maps and Guides

Footpaths: Maps and Guides

For those wanting a guide to the footpaths network around Radlett, there are three sources to recommend:

Footpath map

The Radlett Society & Green Belt Association produced a map covering Aldenham Parish and neighbourhood in 2011. There have inevitably been some changes to the details in the map, but it still provides a good guide to our network. We hope to have an update sheet available soon.

For copies (now £2) please contact us via the ‘contact us’ facility on this website. The Aldenham Parish Council offices also have copies available for sale.

Walks Around Radlett

This booklet setting out nine walks was produced in 2010 by a group of local volunteers with additional financial support from The Radlett Festival Committee and the RSGBA. The walks have been selected to enable walkers of all ages and walking abilities to explore the area around Radlett. Again, there are detail changes to parts of some of the routes but the guide remains valid and useful.
The booklet can be obtained from the Aldenham Parish Council Offices for just £1. It is also available to download:

Hertfordshire Definitive Map

Hertfordshire County Council maintain the definitive map of footpaths and rights of way which can be found at . This can of course be used to focus on our local area or explore further afield.